Laboratory Logistics
The Laboratory Logistics subgroup assesses the various aspects of the biological, chemical, and radiological laboratory’s processes that may limit or severely limit the laboratory’s response to an event of national significance. This subgroup generated a document that identifies the following items: critical resources that would or could be in limited supply that would be needed during a major national emergency response; a general inventory of critical equipment, instrumentation, supplies, and other consumable items for each of the network threat agent areas that are required to conduct laboratory analysis; guidance on local vendor warehousing of critical laboratory components and supplies; guidance or recommendations for the stockpiling of critical laboratory reagents, supplies, components, consumable items, etc.; and guidance on the sharing of key laboratory resources (to include people) among networks during an incident response.
Lab Limiting Issues
Sample Prioritization
The Network Coordinating Group of the ICLN formed the Sample Prioritization subgroup after the 2012 Strategic Planning Meeting and tasked it with developing a document to promote the most efficient use of ICLN laboratory network resources through sample prioritization. Given that a major chemical, biological or radiological incident will likely result in sample testing demands that exceed the nation’s laboratory capacity, there will be a need to prioritize samples in order to address the most critical response and recovery decisions in a timely manner. This WG has developed a document to educate officials on the rationales and thought processes associated with sample prioritization during an incident response.
Sample Prioritization for Incident Decision Making
Radiological Laboratory Response
The Radiological Laboratory Response subgroup seeks to increase laboratory efficiency across agency network programs, and identifies radioanalytical laboratory gaps among the ICLN network radiological laboratories. In addition, this subgroup promotes consistency of analytical performance to ensure quality data supporting homeland security decisions and assessing and filling gaps in radioanalytical laboratory testing.
Radiological Laboratory Response- Limiting Issues
The Tenuous Future of Radiological Laboratories
Radiological Laboratories – Exec Summary for Senior Execs/Administrators
The Training subgroup acts as a conduit for sharing training guidance, opportunities, and resources and will catalogue training programs for the ICLN to increase the Consortium’s knowledge base.
Training Guidelines
Interlaboratory Comparability / QA Subgroup (formerly PT/QA)
The purpose of the Interlaboratory Comparability / QA Subgroup (formerly PT/QA) subgroup is to ensure confidence in
laboratory results across networks, through a coordinated approach for the development and implementation of PT/QA
Recommendations for Conducting Proficiency/Performance Testing Programs
Additional Operational Guidance for PT
The purpose of the Methods subgroup is to consider network needs and identify available and emerging analytical methods and provide a mechanism to coordinate development, validation, and deployment of assays between networks and agencies to increase efficiency, transparency, and consistency.
Methods Validation Guidelines
Sample Collection and Handling Guidelines
Chain of Custody Form
Scenario/Threat Prioritization
The Scenario/Threat Prioritization subgroup is responsible for considering risk assessments in the Chem./Bio/Rad (CBR) domain in order to provide guidance to the ICLN regarding the highest risk scenarios and agents that may stress the ICLN member networks.